Plot Twist

As if summer couldn’t get any more convoluted, it turns out I’m not required to teach during the summer at all. It seems crazy. Why would they pay me for three months, with my only obligation being to take a class? But I asked, after a guy who also has an assistantship and a fellowship told me you don’t have to. And tonight the lady who was checking got back to me. And it’s true. And then I even found this in the school handbook! “It should also be noted that those students who hold a Distinguished Doctoral [that’s me] or Doctoral Academy Fellowship with a graduate assistantship are not expected to teach during the summer.”

This is super frustrating. On one hand it feels ridiculous to receive money all summer for not working. On the other hand, there it is in black and white. I don’t get it. But I don’t have to.

The lady who emailed me tonight to confirm asked straightforwardly, “Do you want to teach this summer?” Because I had told her I just wanted to know, but didn’t plan to back out at this point. So I told her that I think it would leave them in a bind at this point, but that it’s good to know for next year. She said they may actually have to pay me if I teach. 😳

I really wish backing out was a viable option. I’m missing one of my favorite weeks of the year for this. But there’s really no one else who could teach it at this point. Maybe the class won’t get enough people to make. That would be the best option – I wouldn’t have to back out but I also wouldn’t have to teach.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens. Either way, I feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to still go to some other Bible schools that are also some of my favorite weeks. At one point I didn’t think I’d be able to go to any. And then there’s the Australia thing. It’s going to be a great summer. I would really feel ridiculous not having to teach at all, in exchange for all the opportunities I’ve been given.