Monthly Archives: February 2018

Community Bible Class Experience

A couple of weeks ago I went to a local Bible class. It’s the first time (I think, anyway) I’ve ever been to a church event not affiliated with Christadelphians. We don’t have a midweek class here, and I want that. I read and study on my own, but I want to have discussions with people. There are ecclesias that stream their classes, but most are on Wednesday or Thursday when I’m in class (see update below). I need a Tuesday.

I thought and prayed about it, asked a few people what they thought about it. And then I did it. It was interesting. Here are some observations.

The class was affiliated with a local church, and was for those in their 20’s and 30’s. I think there were about 15 of us total. The family hosting the class was nice – a little older than most of the attendees, with two young kids. They were going through 1 Corinthians, and happened to be on 1 Cor. 11 the week I went. I was really intrigued and looking forward to hearing their thoughts on communion and head coverings.

It’s always awkward going somewhere new. They visited for an insanely long time before starting. I’ve learned that it’s OK to just sit and listen to people chat, and not feel the need to jump right in and be one of the group. A couple of people were teachers, and were familiar with ABA, and that led to some discussion.

We read the chapter and discussed section by section. The guy leading the class said straightforwardly that this chapter might be difficult for some. He talked a little about culture, but said it’s really not agreed upon exactly what the headcovering issue was about and whether it’s still relevant. Most of the discussion on this was similar to what I’ve heard before.

Some things I noticed that were the same and different. There was less direct reference to the Bible. The guy leading had some background, and made a few references to other passages. I don’t know if he’s had formal training as a pastor or not, but he did have some knowledge base. The attendees did not seem familiar with the passage on head coverings, and they didn’t refer to other passages. This is not a criticism; just a difference. In most Christadelphian audiences, the audience is already fairly familiar with the topic. Most of the discussion on head coverings had to do with reconciling the current worldview to what Paul seemed to be saying here. There was no scoffing or disagreeing with Paul; just trying to understand. I thought it was a healthy discussion, and impressive for young people unfamiliar with this passage. Then again, we’re in the Bible Belt, so conservative takes on roles of men and women are common.

Another difference was they generally used more “emotive” language, for lack of a better term. They used “churchy” words. Again, this is not a criticism (though I know that word “churchy” can be used that way; I’m not using it pejoratively). They talked about “lifting up” someone in prayer, God showing His sovereignty over an issue, etc. Phrases that I don’t hear too often in circles I’m in. At the end, there were prayer requests, and they took turns praying after each one. Women took part in this as well. I don’t get the idea that women do the regular Sunday preaching at their church, but they probably have a little bit more leader-ish role than in Christadelphia.

There wasn’t too much discussion on the part about the Lord’s supper, because we ran out of time. One person remarked that they found it unbelievable how casually those first century Christians must have been taking that service. They contrasted it with how today when you take communion, you are very thoughtful about the whole process. Apparently their church does communion once a month, which I know is fairly common. I had never really thought about why this is. The leader of the group brought this up, and said that he sees pros and cons. He said that the idea is that you can be more contemplative if it’s something that does not just become a mundane routine. But he also said he kind of likes the idea of doing it more often. I thought it was interesting that he was not afraid to criticize the way the church does certain things, and was not at all defensive about discussing concepts like that.

They also talked a lot about how to be more inclusive. They said that big churches can seem intimidating because people think they’ll be pressured to give money. They wanted to find ways to reach out to those who may have that impression, which they said was false at their church.

So, would I go again? Yes. If the stars aligned and it worked out perfectly for my schedule, I would. More than likely, I will go occasionally – when I don’t need to walk the dog, do homework, or have another obligation. I didn’t love it, but I was interested. I think it is good to talk to people with different beliefs and see where they’re coming from. I tend to isolate myself, and it wouldn’t hurt to have some social contacts in Fayetteville. Just kidding. Let’s not go crazy.

Last night I was considering going again. But it was rainy and I just didn’t want to get out. By chance, I happened to be reminded that the Illinois Bible Education Center has a Bible class on Tuesday nights. I asked if I could Skype in, and I did. I will probably do that on a semi regular basis, and may be able to join their ladies’ class on Tuesdays too. But it’s nice to now have options on Tuesdays, if for no other reason than so that I know what I’m skipping in order to hang out with my pup instead.

It’s Done!!

After another round of hold-ups, the iPad apps have been purchased. Well, some of them. The 10 we wanted for $9.99 each may not go through in time, but the 5 speech-generating apps ($250 each, for a grand total of $1250 in case you don’t math) are done! I have an email to prove it.

I decided nothing else productive is going to happen today. No statistics, no cleaning (okay that’s not quite fair cuz I already did a load of laundry, vacuumed, and mopped). I thought about going to a movie, since I always feel guilty leaving the puppy to do that but he’s with my mom. But there’s nothing I’m remotely interested in.

So…instead I’m going to watch Netflix while planning some trips! Cleveland/Ontario for Spring Break, The Badlands in South Dakota (possibly my favorite place in the US) for my birthday, and Australia in June. I feel so blessed to still have time to travel (and I plan to do it as cheaply as possible). I’m so grateful today worked out well, even though we didn’t get quite what we wanted and it took FORever. I just have to get through two more mornings of clinic, and stats tomorrow night, and then I’m heading back south to have one night at my parents’ (with my puppy) before heading to Richmond for the weekend!

“I Need a Raise”

I said those words to the head of my department today. 😂 I hoped she’d find it funny, and she did.

Yesterday I blogged about this ridiculous iPad issue. Well this morning I got to school at 8, after getting up at 4:30 and driving from my parents’ house. I usually get there at 8:15. Getting there early didn’t even result in a closer parking spot!

I ran into this supervisor (she’s above my advisor somewhere in the chain of command) right away, and I told her everything I’d been doing since Friday to get this process done. I asked the remaining questions I had, then called a friend who used to work for Apple. He told me what I needed to do, and I called the university IT people. It turned out the usual process wouldn’t work in this case, so we would have to go through them after all (we’d wanted to avoid that). But he had to look up how to do what we needed. So he needed to call me back.

Meanwhile, my practicum students were being awesome. I’d texted the two who are furthest along in the program and told them I might be in and out today. One said they’d cover circle and the other volunteered for art, and I was in enough to make sure things stayed on track.

So the IT guy called me back, and after forever, we figured out a new plan. But it involved talking to two other people, both of whom were at lunch. So I went to get lunch, since all I’d had was an oatmeal cream pie at 5:00 am. While I was gone I realized I’d have to find another parking spot, because where I was is only free till 2:00. I finally remembered I should just park in the autism clinic spots. They’re technically just for parents, but that’s only enforced if one of my supervisors calls to have them towed. Obviously they wouldn’t. It’s a good thing, because once I got inside it started hailing.

One person I needed was back from lunch, and I’d chatted with the other one by phone on the way. So I came in, breathed a big sigh, and she and a coworker who knew the saga, both laughed. “Jessica,” the coworker said in sympathy. “I need a raise,” I lamented. They both laughed loudly. The good that has come out of this is I’ve proven myself to be someone who will follow through until the job is done. I just hope that doesn’t result in me getting more of this type of job.

So now I’m just waiting to hear back from the IT guy, who I’ve called twice. I left campus, telling the supervisor I’d come back if I need to. But if everyone else has done their job in authorizing what they said they would, then I should be able to do the rest by phone.

In happier news, I FaceTimed with my pup, who’s playing in the sunshine instead of sitting in my apartment waiting for the rain to stop. I don’t have class tonight, but I do have statistics homework. And I was considering going to a community Bible class. But I predict I’ll want to go to bed as soon as this is done. It’s already been a long day.

My Puppy Is Still Sick

Dempster has been doing pretty well, but still sneezing and blowing air out his nose a lot. Today Levi came over; and when Dempster saw him he got so excited he started wheezing again, which he hadn’t done since Thursday night. I had to get Levi to calm down so puppy would calm down. Ultimately they went outside and ran around together, and it didn’t happen again.

I’ve decided to leave Dempster at my mom’s this week. I’m sad about it. But I’m flying to Richmond next weekend, so I would’ve driven up tomorrow and back Thursday. Number 1: I like to minimize risk, and it eliminates 6 hours of him being in the car. Number 2: it will allow me to vacuum up the baking soda that I think might be responsible for this, and talk to the apartment complex about not spraying anything in the bathroom since that’s where he stays when I’m gone. And Number 3: if he does get worse, my mom will be here with him more than I would this week.

So I’ll probably spend the night here tomorrow and leave at 5:00 am, and go straight to clinic. I think I’ll be sad if I go home tomorrow night without him. Then I can leave right after clinic Thursday and be here by 3:00 (my Thursday night class is cancelled, which is awesome since my flight leaves from Little Rock at 6:00 am Friday).

I still have no good theory about what’s going on. It seems excessive for baking soda to have an effect for 4 days. It could be allergies, but dogs don’t usually sneeze from allergies. And we hadn’t been outside the day it happened. I think he’s probably got something up his nose. I’ve tried to look. Have you ever tried to look up a dog’s nose? It’s not as easy as it sounds.

Dempster was supposed to graduate puppy classes this Tuesday, but I’ll have to call and see if he can graduate the next week. I’m going to be sad without him, but he’ll have fun running around the backyard.

Continuing Pup Saga

Dempster hasn’t had any more trouble breathing, but he continues to sneeze excessively. It’s decreasing some, but it’s still concerning. I gave him a bath and poured water all over his face a few times, hoping that might help. He sneezed and snorted right after, but I do think it helped a little.

He threw up a toy bolt at 4:30 this morning. Why are dogs so dumb? Why would you swallow that? I wish I could blame the whole thing on that, but the toy bolt came from my brothers’ house when I took Dempster over to surprise my nephews yesterday. So it wasn’t the cause of Thursday night’s issue.

I also discovered today that he has a canine tooth that’s sideways, hanging by a thread. I can’t get close enough to tell if it’s broken or if it’s a baby tooth he’s just losing. It’s disgusting though. Tooth issues can cause dogs to do weird things, but I don’t think it would be causing sneezing.

So basically I don’t know what’s going on, but he seems to be slowly sneezing less and less. He ran around outside and had a filthy, muddy blast today. None of this seems to be bothering him much. I go to Richmond next weekend and leave him with my mom, so I’m hoping he’s over it by then.

In other news, my advisor had her baby! So I’ll kinda be on my own running clinic for the next few weeks. (She’s not there much anyway, but she’ll be less available for a little while.)

Puppy Sickness Answer?

The vet listened to Dempster’s lungs and kept looking puzzled. Finally she asked if he’d been chewing on electrical cords. Well…no. Definitely not. She said there was crackling in the back lobe of his lung, and one potential cause of that is being shocked. But there were no signs of it in his mouth, and I don’t know when it could’ve happened. I asked what else could cause it, and she said he must’ve inhaled something. He only sneezed once with her in the room, but she said to give him Benadryl and see how he does. I said I might wait and see how he does at my parents’ house this weekend, because I would like to know if it’s something environmental he’s being exposed to in my apartment. If I start giving him Benadryl here and he stops sneezing, I won’t know. She said that’s fine.

We drove to my parents’ from the vet. He just snorted a couple of times, but has been sneezing some here. I’m curious to see how he does tonight.

I did remember that I had sprinkled baking soda on the carpet when I thought we were leaving last night. Then when we didn’t, I figured it was fine. I sprinkled such a little amount that you couldn’t even see it. But it’s possible he inhaled that. It wouldn’t explain the last few days of sneezing, but might explain the chronic sneezing and wheezing last night. I only use vinegar and essential oils for cleaning, but there’s no telling what chemicals are in the apartment walls or carpet.

We plan to sleep the rest of the afternoon. I didn’t sleep much last night and neither did he. And we drove three hours in dark drizzle. I’m stressed from two school issues that have popped up in the last 24 hours. One issue I keep having is that things get delegated to me, but I don’t have all the info I need to figure them out. And there are 3-4 people I have to keep going back and forth to in order to try to do that, and I don’t like the inefficiency of it. It’s my least favorite thing about school, which overall is going really well.

Time for Dempster and I (ooh I almost missed that one; Dempster and me) to take a nap. Hopefully no breathing issues.

My Puppy Is Sick 😢

I was up at least once an hour with a sick pup. I had planned to nap for an hour last night after my class, and then head to my parents’ house. But after an hour I decided I should just sleep here and leave in the morning. In the middle of the night Dempster started wheezing. I guess it was wheezing. I don’t really know what to call it. He was struggling. I lifted up his front paws and he stopped.

He’s been sneezing for a few days. I had read that small dogs sometimes sneeze when they’re excited, and it usually was when I came home. Now I’m wondering if there’s something in the bathroom that was bothering him.

He didn’t have another episode quite like that. But he did sneeze basically all night when he was awake. And he woke up a lot because his breathing sounded weird, so I woke him up. He was also blowing through his nose a lot. One time he blew something gross onto my lip. Oh yeah I should go wash that.

He was also extra cuddly. He came up and lay down on my pillow, which wasn’t going to work for me for very long. Then he moved down just slightly, and put his paws on my hand and lay his head on his paws. It was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.

I googled all night for possible reasons. Maybe an obstruction of some sort. I would’ve given him Benadryl if I’d had any, but instead I watched him closely. I almost took him to an emergency vet, but it never quite got to that level. He continued to sneeze and breathe weird (I can’t describe it; I could hear his breath deep in his chest, and he made little sounds – one time he whined like maybe it was bothering him).

This morning he’s sneezing like he has been the past few days, but no breathing issues. We have an appointment for 9:30, which we’re about to head to and then go on to my parents’.

I love my puppy a whole lot. He’s had a lot of health issues in his short puppy life. They haven’t impacted his ability to run and play and be happy, but they’ve certainly caused me some stress.

Snow Days and Hockey

Since we didn’t get any this year (schools were canceled some but not on days I had school), I made my own tonight. It was just below freezing, with drizzly freezing rain. My professor did send an email telling us to use our best judgment, and I’d planned to skip anyway. So the pup and I ordered pizza. I thought the women’s hockey final was tomorrow night, but discovered it was tonight! So I took a nap from 7:30-9:30, so I can stay up late. I hate being tired in the morning. I’ve been chronically sleep-deprived my whole life, so I’m trying to be smarter.

Dempster was so confused by the nap. He slept for an hour, and then I let him out of my room and he played. He finally came back for 30 minutes and then I woke up. He considered staying in bed, even though he likes to be near me and he likes watching the Olympics. But he finally joined me.

I’ve only really watched hockey since the last Olympics. I was staying with a good friend while I was home from South Africa, and she was into it. I even randomly decided to go to a hockey game in DC last year, because I figured I might as well. My only other experience with hockey was when NLR briefly had a team (they started out being called the “Razor Blades,” but the Razorbacks threatened to sue; so they switched to “River Blades.”) Our ecclesia briefly toyed with having a CYC when I was a teen. So once a month one family was supposed to plan an event, and my father planned for us to go to a hockey game. We kinda snickered about it, since it was like violent and stuff. But whatever.

Anyway, I still don’t actually understand much of it. But I enjoy the anxiety it produces. I don’t really care who wins. I guess it would be nice for the US since it’s been so long. But I figure the least we can do for Canada is to let them keep hockey.

But I do keep wondering why there are only three quarters…

Ooh the US just scored!

Australia 2018

My plans for this summer just changed drastically. A good friend from Australia is getting married and messaged me earlier to ask if I’d go. So instead of my 3-week road trip to California or short trip to Israel, I may just fly to CA for the conference I’m presenting at and then fly to Australia for the month of June! I’m already looking at road trip itineraries. I’ll probably have to cut out a few other things to save some money, but it sounds like an amazing opportunity. Australia has never been somewhere I’m dying to go, but just a couple of days ago I was thinking maybe I’d add it to my list of potential destinations. It’ll just be sooner than I thought! I’m definitely doing a road trip in the Outback with kangaroos.

I Started My Study!!

I’ve never been so excited to take baseline data! My advisor and I had scheduled a meeting at 8:30 this morning before clinic, to discuss my study. But as of yesterday I wasn’t sure what exactly I was going to do, because she thought I needed something a little different for one aspect. I figured this morning we’d talk about it and then decide to just wait and start next semester. This semester is crazy! We’ve currently got four other studies going on, including two I’ll have a lot of responsibility for working on later. So I didn’t think it would be the worst thing if we waited.

But we figured out how to tweak something. I’m basically replicating another study, with slight variations (which is necessary in order to know if results generalize). I even found something the original authors probably should’ve tracked in baseline but they didn’t. My advisor said it was a good catch – the kind of thing you don’t always think about when designing studies, but that reviewers usually pick apart. I spent the first hour of clinic redoing my data sheet (and then doing it again two more times) until we were sure the procedure was what we wanted. In the meantime, my awesome practicum students covered everything downstairs. We managed to get all the kids’ baseline data taken today, but it was tight. We need at least three days in baseline. Then if it’s stable we’ll move one kid into intervention. That could happen as early as next week!

In one sentence, my study is about whether delaying access to reinforcement when non-vocal kids request an item on their speech-generating device will result in increased vocalizations. We know it does. It’s how we teach vocalization. But it needs to be replicated in several different circumstances. My study has a slight variation that I won’t explain here. But for baseline purposes, we present an item and wait for them to request. Then we write if they request vocally or with the iPad, and if it’s just with the iPad we wait another 5 seconds to see if they’ll vocalize. One of them vocalized every time during the delay (the delay is what the original authors didn’t take data on, which surprised me; there are understandable reasons, but I think those are valuable data to have). That’s okay, because we want to know if the consistent delay will eventually lead to increased vocalizations on the initial request.

So there ya go. It was exciting.

I’m trying to keep myself awake for the rest of the figure skating short program. But I’m so sleepy. Dempster has already given in.

In related news, when I post videos of Dempster they get like 200 views within 24 hours. He’s got more friends than I do. If you only ever watch one Dempster video, it should be this one – in which he realizes he’s being videod and quickly stops doing his weird puppy dance.