Daily Archives: April 4, 2018

Summer is Set!

I finally got my summer schedule finalized for school. The schedule I was hoping to get worked out, and I only have to be here for 3 weeks. So I can still go to at least 2, possibly 3 Bible schools. I’m very happy. I was determined not to be sad about it either way, but now it’ll be easier. I still have to miss one I usually go to. But that’s life. Plus I can’t really complain, since I’ll be gone over a month on my Australia trip.

I made it through clinic today, but only 2/3 of my night class. I don’t feel like I have the flu today, but I’m still sick with something. Tonight I have a raging headache, but it’s still such an improvement over yesterday.

Poor little Dempster is going stir crazy since I’ve been sick. He’s barking more and just being generally annoying. Yesterday I managed to take him for a ten-minute walk because I knew he’d make me miserable if I didn’t. And today I only managed a trip to the business office to pay our rent (I say “our” because he costs $15 a month, but he doesn’t actually contribute). Apparently today is national walking day. Who gets to make this stuff up?

Now that the pup is 7 months old that means 35 minutes of walking a day. When we get to 45 minutes I think I’m going to cap it. Or maybe I’ll go to 60. It’s hard to fit that in every day, but once it’s consistently warmer in the mornings maybe we can do it in 2 segments.

I’m going to bed.