Daily Archives: November 6, 2013

November 6 – The End of a Full Life, An Update on Projects, and Some Randomness

Bro. Ben Scroggin

Bro. Ben Scroggin from Arkansas died this week. He was the oldest member of NLR – 92, I think – and undoubtedly one of the wisest. The main thing Bro. Ben is known for around Christadelphian circles in Arkansas – besides the above – was his leading of the “Who’s from which state?” ceremony and the “Books of the Bible by Section” every year at Arkansas Bible School. The latter is an often-painful experience to those of us with sensitive ears, but nonetheless one of the classic Arkansas Bible School experiences.

The last time I was home I went to Bible class at NLR, and Bro. Ben was there. I hadn’t seen him in a year and was amused when I went into the kitchen after class and found he had sat down on a stool and launched into an impromptu and informal lecture about fellowship and ecclesial autonomy, over a package of Oreos and coffee. I’m not sure he had any idea why I’d been gone for a year, but I nodded my assent to his words. My mother told him it was the best exhortation she had heard in years.

Outside of his presence in the ecclesia, I’ll remember Bro. Ben for his frequent attendance at Arkansas Travelers’ baseball games – which won’t be the same without him. And for a very interesting cruise to Alaska that I somehow became a part of (my brother sells cruises). I was the youngest one by decades. Also, he looked a lot like Andy Griffith. 🙂

Here’s his obituary, if you’re interested:


1 Thess. 4:13-18 – “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

Phun with Fonics Update

This was my homemade phonics worksheet I used at the Mariannhill crèche today.


(No one ever accused me of being a perfectionist.)

My reason for keeping it simple is two-fold – it’s easy for me to prep, and hopefully it will help the teachers see that there’s nothing to it and they can do it themselves. We did songs about the letters, games with the index cards, and then colored the lesson for ‘A.’ There’s a very nice local young man who helps out at the crèche. He watched the lesson so I left him a set of cards and the ‘B’ lesson and asked him to please do it sometime this week. He’s really great with the kids and it’s nice to see them with a positive male influence.

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Funny story about Petunia (the teacher at the Lamontville crèche whose name I can’t pronounce). Since Rose is the one I know, I deemed the other one another flower name. I hadn’t discussed this name with anyone – just jokingly referred to it in the blog one time.

While we were at the zoo the other day someone asked the name of the lady who works with Rose, and Sonya immediately said, “Petunia.” I was completely confused (it’s the blonde thing). At first I wondered if that was really her name; then I realized that was ridiculous. “Did you read my blog?” I asked, wondering if it was possible we both had come up with that separately. “Yeah,” she said, “everyone’s pretty much decided her name is Petunia.” Apparently I created a nickname and wasn’t even aware it was circulating. I kind of want to tell her but I’m a little afraid. It can’t be worse than “racist baby.”

Gimme Some Credit!

I’ve finally educated most of the cashiers at the spar about the nature of credit cards. Now when they ask “savings or cheque?” and I say “credit,” they get a reminiscent look on their face that says, “I’ve done this before,” and they either immediately scroll through to the credit option, or they at least take my gentle reminder at face value and no longer look at me like they might accidentally engage the nuclear launch sequence when they hit the space bar. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment.

Let’s Talk About the Weather

Introverts don’t generally enjoy discussing the weather, but I’m going to make an exception.

I’m not living in the Sahara, for those of you who still think that’s the case. It’s Spring in South Africa (that whole Southern Hemisphere thing really messes with stuff) and the weather has been quite moderate since I’ve been here. It’s starting to get into the rainy season but so far there has only been one week where it rained consistently. It’s been mostly 70’s in the daytime and 50’s at night, with some variation. I’ve probably worn long sleeves as often as short, and I’ve found myself wishing I had brought more sweatshirts (jerseys in SA lingo).

People talk about how hot and humid Durban is in the summer. I don’t think it can possibly compare to a 105-degree day in August in Arkansas, with humidity putting it closer to 115.

But yesterday I stepped outside and felt like I needed a snorkel. Summer won’t be here for a while so I hope it’s not a taste of things to come. I immediately wanted to go back inside, turn on my fan, and go back to bed in my nice cool room. This is exactly what I got to do, because my morning plans got canceled.

I’m missing the Fall sights and smells back home – leaves changing, fires in fireplaces, pumpkins, etc. But I love that I’m 15 minutes away from the beach. It’s a trade-off. It will just officially be winter, my favorite season, when I get back home so I’ll be going from beach to scarves and coats overnight.

And that is your weather update.

War of the Words (Isn’t that a creative title??)

Volunteer work is a mecca of multi-culturalism, so not only am I (unintentionally) picking up a ton of South African words and phrases, but some Australian ones as well.

My favorite expression from Crissie – an Australian volunteer who lives with us at the hall, along with her husband and 3 little boys who keep us entertained – is “sort yourself out.” This can be directed at a naughty child (naughty is another word I never used before), an over-dramatic fellow-volunteer, and I’m guessing probably a husband once in a while. It can also be communicated by a look that conveys the meaning of something needing sorting. My favorite example of this was Crissie telling the story of how she went to the spar to get Parmesan, and they only had a block. “When I asked if they had it grated,” she told me, “the lady looked at me like, ‘Sort yourself out, lazy white lady; I’m not grating your cheese for you.'” I haven’t been on the receiving end of this command, but I was probably close with the monkeys.

(Besides the fact that she introduces me to new cool phrases, I also appreciate Crissie because she is a faithful blog reader.)

I Call This One: Progression of A Child Nodding Off

I noticed this little guy snoozing in the lunch line. I snapped pictures until a kinder soul than I picked him up and took him inside to rest peacefully.

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Cute Pictures

Kim went along with Matt and me to Mariannhill today and read the story of Jonah.

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It’s Bug Season

Apparently there was a massacre in my bathroom overnight. All I know is this is what was there when I went to bed.


And this is what I found when I woke up.


I had nothing to do with it. Honest.


I’m not sure there’s anything sweeter in the world than children praying.

I wonder if that’s how God sees all of us…


Nov. 5 – I’m thankful that this hot, humid day turned cool enough to sit outside with my laptop this evening, and that my friends in the US are enjoying a nice cool Fall. (I’m also still thankful for the monkeys.)

Nov. 6 – I’m thankful for people who are “card people,” or for those who do it anyway even if it doesn’t come naturally. I had been making a concerted effort to be a “card person” a while back, but I need to start it up again. Thanks Richmond Monday-night-classers – you’re at the top of my most-missed list. Jessica Turner, the card art is attributed to the three-year-old version of Judah. Any clue what it might be? Bird? Plane? Tree?




I Shamelessly Stole This From Someone on Facebook: The Secret to Serenity?
